UXU Design Conversations
From the heart of the Netherlands!
4 years ago

#005 - Dark Modes & McDonaldization of UX (Dutch)

Deze aflevering bespreken we verschillende UX topics.

4 years ago

#004 - Selling UX

How do you sell UX projects and how do you sell the value of UX design for stakeholders.

5 years ago

#003 - Presenting your work

Coming up with great designs is one thing, presenting them successfully is a whole other game.

5 years ago

#002 - My UX career

In this episodes we talk about our UX careers and give tips on how to get noticed as a UX designer. What does it take to become a UX designer in todays world?

5 years ago

#001 - The Dark Side Of UX

In this episodes we talk about ethics in design and how to avoid dark patterns. How can we continue to respect our users in a time where conversion and money are often prioritized?Check our shownotes at www.uxu.design